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Inter Process Communication Complete Technical Guide

Inter Process Communication

Communication between processes is a key element of modern computer systems. Inter Process Communication (IPC) is the process of exchanging data between two or more processes in an operating system. It allows processes to communicate with each other and provides a way for processes to coordinate their activities. IPC can be used to send data between processes on the same system or between different systems.


Inter Process Communication is the process of exchanging data between two or more processes in an operating system. It is an important concept in modern computer systems since it allows processes to communicate and coordinate their activities. IPC can be used to send data between processes on the same system or between different systems.

Process Information

Process information is used to store information about a process such as its priority, memory usage, and open files. This information is stored in the process’ page table and can be accessed by other processes. This information is used to manage the process and provide communication with other processes.

Process Image

A process image is a representation of a process in memory. It contains all the information necessary to execute a program, including code, data, and other resources. The process image is created when a program is loaded into memory and is used by the operating system to manage the process.

Process Creation & Termination

Process creation and termination are two of the most important operations in IPC. Process creation is the process of creating a new process based on a given program. The process is then loaded into memory and given an entry in the process table. Termination is the process of removing a process from the process table and freeing its resources.

Child Process Monitoring

Child process monitoring is the process of monitoring a process created by another process. This is used to ensure that the child process is running properly and to take any necessary actions if the process is not behaving as expected.

Process Groups, Sessions & Job Control

Process groups, sessions, and job control are mechanisms used to group multiple processes together. A process group is a group of processes that are related to each other and are managed by the same process. A session is a group of related process groups that are managed by the same session leader. Job control is a mechanism used to manage multiple processes in a single session.

Process Resources

Process resources are resources allocated to a process by the operating system. These resources include memory, files, and other resources that are used by the process. The operating system manages these resources and ensures that they are allocated fairly between processes.

Other Processes

Other processes are processes that are related to a process but not part of its execution. These processes can be used to monitor the process and make sure that it is running properly. Examples of other processes include command line interpreters and system daemons.

Overlaying Process Image

Overlaying process image is a technique used to reduce the size of a process image. It involves replacing parts of the process image with smaller versions of the same code. This reduces the amount of memory used by the process.

Related System Calls (System V)

System V is a family of operating systems developed by AT&T and used in many UNIX-like systems. System V includes several system calls related to IPC, such as fork(), exec(), and wait(). These system calls are used to manage processes and their associated resources.

System V & Posix

System V and Posix are two different standards for IPC. System V is used in UNIX-like systems while Posix is used in Linux systems. The two standards have many similarities but also have some differences. For example, System V includes system calls related to process management while Posix does not.


Pipes are one of the most common forms of IPC. A pipe is a one-way connection between two or more processes. Data is written to one end of the pipe and is read from the other end. Pipes are used to exchange data between processes on the same system or between different systems.

Named Pipes

Named pipes are similar to regular pipes but with the addition of a name. This name can be used to identify the pipe and to provide access control. Named pipes are used to exchange data between processes on the same system or between different systems.

Shared Memory

Shared memory is a form of IPC that allows two or more processes to share the same memory space. This allows the processes to exchange data without having to copy the data between processes. Shared memory is often used in multiprocessor systems to exchange data between processes running on different processors.

Message Queues

Message queues are a form of IPC that allow processes to exchange data in a reliable manner. A message queue is a queue of messages that can be sent between processes. Processes can add messages to the queue and read messages from the queue.


Semaphores are a form of IPC that provide synchronization between processes. A semaphore is a variable that is used to control access to a shared resource. Processes can wait for a semaphore to be available and then acquire it, ensuring that only one process at a time has access to the resource.


Signals are a form of IPC that allow processes to send messages to each other. Signals can be used to notify processes of events, such as the completion of an operation or a request for a service. Signals are an important part of IPC since they allow processes to interact with each other.

Memory Mapping

Memory mapping is a technique used to map files or devices into a process’ address space. This allows processes to access the files or devices directly without having to copy the data between processes. Memory mapping is often used in device drivers and other applications that need to access files or devices.

Advantages and Disadvantages

IPC has many advantages over traditional methods of communication. It allows processes to communicate with each other and coordinate their activities, which can improve the overall performance of the system. IPC also allows processes to share data without having to copy the data between processes.

However, IPC can also have some disadvantages. It requires additional overhead to set up and manage the communication channels, which can reduce the overall performance of the system. IPC also requires additional system resources, such as memory and CPU time, which can increase the system’s overall cost.


IPC provides a number of features that can be used to improve the performance of a system. It allows processes to communicate and coordinate their activities, which can improve the overall performance of the system. IPC also allows processes to share data without having to copy the data between processes, which can reduce the amount of memory and CPU time used.

Final Words

Inter Process Communication is an important concept in modern computer systems. It allows processes to communicate and coordinate their activities, which can improve the overall performance of the system. IPC also allows processes to share data without having to copy the data between processes, which can reduce the amount of memory and CPU time used. IPC is used in many operating systems and is an essential part of modern computer systems.

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